14 October 2020

Gruppo FECS: A circular adventure that looks to the future.

For a better understanding of our Industrial Group here an article from Fortune Italia created in collaboration with Illimity bank (Next Generation Services for Three Markets: Business Credit, Purchase and Servicing of NPL and Direct Bank Portfolios).

“The ability to invest in innovation is fundamental for a company that focuses on sustainability and on the ability to re-use row materials,” Olivo Foglieni – President of Fecs Group.


The partnership with illimity was born in 2019 for one of FECS Group company: IMT Italia S.p.A, with an industrial vision that looks beyond the short term and focusing not only the economic growth, but also, on the development on the local territoy, the attention to research and respect for the environment.

The Partnership to date, has been consolidated in a factoring operation of 14 million.


Check the video interview of our President Olivo Foglieni to better understand our history made of tradition along with innovation.



Fortune Italia

Illimity Bank

IMT Italia